Join Friends’ River of Life Society


Planned Giving

Friends of Historic Second Church has established the River of Life Society to acknowledge those individuals who have provided us with a legacy gift. The River of Life is a striking feature of the Tiffany Pastoral Window (1917), and signifies the continuity of life which is a fitting way to acknowledge that a donor’s contribution will live on into the future. Society members will receive honorary life membership in Friends and will not be required to pay annual membership dues. Special events will be planned for members of the Society.


Create Your Lasting Impact for Future Generations

What better way to make sure that the stained glass windows and Bartlett murals at Second Presbyterian Church will be maintained and enjoyed by future generations than to provide a legacy gift.  We welcome legacy gifts in many forms:

  • A gift under your will or living trust

  • A gift from your IRA required distribution

  • A gift of securities

  • A gift of life insurance

  • A gift of retirement plan assets

  • Donor advised funds

Benefits of Giving

Personal satisfaction
Fulfillment of your philanthropic goals
Capital-gains tax avoidance on a gift of long-term appreciated assets
Reduced costs and time in estate settlement
Income-tax savings, estate-tax savings or both

Personal Giving Stories

Making a bequest to Friends was an easy decision.  Through the years, I have greatly enjoyed sharing the art and architectural treasures of Second Presbyterian Church with our visitors.  A planned gift is my way of helping to ensure that these treasures will be preserved and will always be here for future generations to enjoy and appreciate.

William Tyre
Curator & Program Director
Glessner House

Contact Us

We sincerely hope you will consider including us in your plans.  We can help you plan your gift in a way that achieves personal satisfaction and maximum tax benefits.  Please contact Heather Haberaecker at Friends of Historic Second Church, 1-800-657-0687, or if you wish to discuss providing a legacy gift.  We hope to hear from you.

Photo Credit: Martin Cheung